Dates of Travel

Departure Date (Travel Start Date)

Single Trips

The date you depart your home in Australia

Cover under the ‘Amendment or cancellation costs’ benefit begins from the time you buy your policy.

Cover under all other sections begins from the departure date you select.

Annual Multi-Trips

The date your policy will commence

Cover under the ‘Amendment or cancellation costs’ benefit begins from the time you buy your policy.

For further information we recommend you read the definition of 'Relevant Time' and ‘Period Of Insurance’ in the Policy Wording.

Return Date (Travel End Date)

Single Trips

The date you return to your home in Australia

Annual Multi-Trips

Regardless of what you enter as the return date, you will be quoted for a 12 month Annual Multi-Trip.

For further information we recommend you read the definition of 'Relevant Time' and ‘Period Of Insurance’ in the Policy Wording.